Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Contract Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur (PACA) Region - Inria, BDO (no. 2014-05764) funding the research grant of C. Papageorgakis, see Sections 5.1.5, 6.3.

  • The team participates in the project WIMAG (Wave IMAGing) funded by the IDEX UCA-Jedi. It aims at identifying and gathering the research and development by partners of UCA involved in wave imaging systems. Other partners are UNS and CNRS (GéoAzur, I3S, LEAT, LJAD), together with Orange Labs.

  • The team participates in the transversal action C4PO funded by the IDEX UCA-Jedi. This “Center for Planetary Origin” brings together scientists from various fields to advance and organize Planetary Science at the the University of Nice, and supports research and teaching initiatives within its framework.